The Planet of Shroud

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The Planet of Shroud


A dazzling display of human achievement, Shroud was a beautiful blue orb in the night sky. Lights sparkled across the planet, ships flew out of it from port to port, traversing the cold recesses of space. It was a sight to be seen in it's hayday.

But here you sit, in an old library, reading about it in a dusty old book, written so many years sgo that it's hard to find credibility in it. A small laptop device sits next to you, a dark system of planets pans in and out of the screen. Your curiosity draws to it. The book continues on to tell of technological achievements, peace settlements, and lavish creations, up until a date. Nothing is said past that. No books you come across pass a certain point in time, as if time suddenly stopped at that date. The shiftgate device draws your attention again

The small blue orb seems to stand out in the system, a vision of beauty trapped in time. Your hand draws closer to the device, running over a few unknown keys, toying with your imagination.

The planet seemed so nice, so lively. But it seems to be lacking something when you see it in the sky now. The luster is gone, and the brilliance looks faded. Why are there no recent records. I's intriguing, mystifying. There doesn't look like theres a reason not to entertain the through of visiting one day...

I mean...whats the worst that could happen..

Special Protective Gear
In a land filled with diseases, sickness, and no doctors, it's hard not to get sick. Men and women have crudely built respirators to filter the thick, choking air, to travel across the blasted craters, and dusty plains.

The populous has been forced to resort to finding food any way they can. Stores and processed sustinance has long since vanished.