The Planet of Shroud

History/Current Objective

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The History of Shroud
Disaster grips a once proud planet
Time stood still that day, so many years ago. Men and women flocked to the streets, looking to the skies in awe. With mouths gaping and arms limp to thier sides, a beautiful swirling vortex began to spin in the bright morning sky. The ominusly brilliant gateway covered nearly half the planet, blocking all light from entering on one side.

A small white light flashed to the east, and it had begun. Another flicker to the west, intensifying, growing brighter with every flash of the light. A vague shape took form, a twisted rectangle to the east, small, but getting larger quickly. To the west an indescribable hunk of matter grew in size, hurdled toward the planet in a fire that burned from the speed in which it burst through the atmosphere.

A larger shape grew from the center of the vortex, gaining speed with each passing second. Some took it in stride, accepting it as thier final fate, others running and screaming, pleading with those with safety to share it. Some killed themselves, sparing thier lives from the impact that was sure to occur, and the bloody, fiery carnage that was sure to follow.

Years have passed since the cataclysm that occured on Shroud. The shower of debris lasted for weeks, a constant steam of a deadly burning rain.Many times the objects defied explanation, being as absurd as chairs, to wheels, and even corpses. Sometimes hunks of burning junk fell from the sky so large, that they would wipe out another portion of shroud with the impact alone.

When the dust settled and the fires were burning within the control of the survivers, the planet was left a shell of it former self. buildings would be leveled, entire countries would be dessimated. Some towns would come out of it easy, suffering only minor structual damage, and civilian casualties, but those were few, close to none. Shroud was left barren and destroyed. Cultures died out with the population. Technology that used to be commonplace would became as rare as gold. The cost of living in the dawning of the new times would be harder than anything anybody had, and ever would experience.

But the planet is being looked upon once again. Tales have been woven about it's fate, and speculations have been made. It has been rumor that perhaps an expedition to Shroud would be taken soon. Some are eager, others terrified. Those who venture to Shroud must be warned, however, as dead as it looks, there are still a great number of things that spell certain death.

To the Creator of the concept:
To The Shift Gates