The Planet of Shroud

History/Current Objective

Update page





Item List

List of Items,reasonable prices, and build costs

Items like these are scattered all around Shroud:

Battery Packs(BP): Clear glowing pods, infused with energy from the lands most powerful and skilled Magi

Books: Much of the literature from the days ong past have dissapeared.....odd....

Castles: Though Shroud was a technological marvel, many of the Magi and Nobleblood chose to live in the simplicity of castles and stone fortresses.

Circuits(CT): Diodes, computer chips, transformers, and wires make up the "brains" of machines.

Clothing: Protective clothing created by the denizens of the poat-cataclysm Shroud. Includes sturdy canvas, and breathing filters.

Corpses: Remains of men, women, and children. Many wonder why some are slumped over desks, or are laying half out of thier vehicles. How could an asteroid have possibly done that....

Disks: Circular, rectangular, or a strip of plastic encoded with memory, these hold information of the past, the present, and some say they contain knowledge of the future. Though people now are just content on throwing them at people like weapons.

Domes: Lead lined and Steel reinforced, many were used as an embassy or a warehouse facility. Many still stand.

Electricity: What wasn't powered by the energy of Battery Packs was powered by generators and turbines. With nobody alive with knowledge of thier use, electricity has become rare...and more valuable than money.

Food: Food can still be found fresh in cans or growing on strange plants. Perhaps a starving individual would help you for a scrap of food....or kill you for it...

Grenadelike Weapons: GrenWeapons are things such as unstable energy packs, Flasks of acid or base, Vials of poison, or Jars with worn away lables.
Unstable BP: many were overcharged by a mage, or accidentally had a spell charged into them

Flasks: Many can be found in laboratories or workshops. Substantial damage.

Vials of poison: Simply put, the poison of the resanta leaf, or the bite of a snake contained in a vial.

Jars: Many jars lay on shelves or on floors, thier lables long worn off. These could be filled with anything from preserves, food, or even harsh cleaning chemicals.

Land Transport
Anything could be transported in vehicles like these. Bodies..books...weapons..or possibly a machine or a load of components.
Each Weapon has the ability to be upgraded. Wheter it is a sword, staff or gun, it can be done.

Whetstone: swords/axes +d1

New Blades: Swords +d2

Scopes/Sites: Guns +d2

Anvil: +1 extra chance to create metal weapon

Concrete: adds 5 to each d20 roll, when buildings are finally needed

New Tools: No bonuses, required for construction

Armorers Hammer: adds 5 to d20 roll when pounding the armored hull fo a ship or a mechanical warrior.

Storage Facilities
What lies in wait behind doors like this...
Artifacts and Wonderous Items (void)

Energy Weapons:

The current location on Shroud offers no such weapons, this land was the haven of historians, men of trade, and simple citizens with no need to fight...only learn.

Perhaps one should venture to a different continent that has these weapons.

Energy Pistol: Essentially a removable cork thats attached to the end of an energy pod. A trigger is attached for quick removal and repositioning of the cork, for short bursts of energy, or a long stream.

Energy Rifle: Same as pistol. Enlongated firing tube, can support lager pods, and can support a sight scope.

Energy Blade: Smaller more cylindrical pods are used as a handle and hilt, while a long thin rod of metal is plunged into the other end, allowing energy to freely course around it for a period of time.