The Planet of Shroud

History/Current Objective

Update page





Item List

Gotta Love 'em
These puppies HURT!

This Heavy Infantry requires much to maintain.
Extreme Heavy Mithri Infantry

1000 Metal, preferably all Mithril
Right arm Energy Storage
Heavy arm cannon left 5d20
1 Circuit Board/12 Circuit
20 Battery Packs
4 extra for storage
1 sensor

  Machinery List


Copper:100 units of Copper = 1 standard unit.
Iron: 10 units of Iron = 1 standard unit.
Steel: worth one standard unit of metal.
Mithril:1 unit of Mithril = 2 standard units.
Platinum:1 unit of Platinum = 5 standard units.

Circuits and Power use.
Power and Circuits.

Circuit Boards hold 12 circuits.
Circuits control movement and AI
Battery packs are used for power
Power can be stored in containers in or on the body, or in weapons or thrusters for use.
Medium Lasers require 4 BP
Large require 8
Small require 1, or feed off of the current BP

In an attempt to keep the concept simple, building will be left to professionals (NPC's)for the time being.