The Planet of Shroud

History/Current Objective

Update page





Item List

Building/Vehicle Construction

Technology must be found....
All here is based on interaction and building.

The houses, vehicles, weapons and mechanics are made from metal.
There is very little wood left on shroud, and it is considered global homicide to remove whats left providing precious oxygen.

Builders Mechanics.

roll d20

1-4 = 50 units of Copper
5-8 = 5 units of Iron
9-12 = 1 unit of Steel
13-16 = 1 unit of Mithril
17-20 = 1 unit of Platinum


roll d20

1-2 = simple berries or desert fruits
3-5 = small animal carcas
7-15 = medium sized animal carcas, or dead body
16-18 = remains of canned food or preserves
19-20 = Anything from a body with items in it to an entire abandoned pack of supplies.

Hunter Gatheres serve no other purpose than to barter with others, and trap animals. They recieve a special skill, dependant.

Kindly ignore all that is, and what was previously posted here, I was way ahead of myself.