The Planet of Shroud

History/Current Objective

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Item List

Those who know the land

This page is in need of reconstruction.
Maps are an important way of finding ones way around the landscape.
Maps of places venturedd to will be added periodically.
It is wise to help those with intimate knowledge of the land.

Many hunters and gatherers, aside from providing food and pelts for the land, can also provide a detailed look at the landscape and terrain.
Those who Provide

Providers are found in any and all town that has settled with a decent number of people. There are customarilly 3 or more providers per town, each with a different role. You would be wise to befriend a provider. Thier goods and services have been found to provide good friends with food and drink. Food and drink being such a precious commodity now, that many would gladly pay or trade for even the most meagar scrap.